Phase two of The WealthSystem(TM) is called Fortune 5 Minutes Millionaires Club or F5M-MC, which can also generate abundance of financial income for you and your family. Phase two is also a feeder program with 3 levels, strategically designed so they eventually feed into Wealth Team International Association(WTIA), where many people from 150 countries are earning unbelievable incomes on a daily bases. WTIA continues too and has been for over 16 years, making daily payouts!

(Before joining any of these programs, you need to secure two things.)
1. A free G-Mail e-mail account. to insure you receive all company correspondences.

2. A free payment processor account to send and receive funds AlertPay or SolidTrustPay. I suggest both.

Note: Although these programs are at low cost to you and are design specifically to help everyone succeed. You must do your part in working the programs in order for the programs to work for you. You need not be an expert marketer, just an active not passive worker. Also, if you choose to, you can join any or all of the programs contained in The WealthSystem(TM) network. Or just start at level one and be automatically upgraded to the next level once you reach the requirements. Bottom line is you must do what is best for you. However you choose, please know, there will be an abundance of training and support to help you every step of the way.
Below is a brief overview of F5M-MC.

F5M-Millionaires-Club's Complete Guide To A Million Dollar Internet Business  will show you exactly how to earn income immediately, get paid as often as daily and at the same time build an income of $5000, $10000, $25000, $50000 or more per year that will be paid out to you for LIFE! These incomes can be achieved within few short years of working your business part-time an hour or so per day!
Sometimes we think we must make major changes in our lives to get on the right track.  However, major changes are often the result of a few small steps you can take to begin on the path toward changing your life for the better and this is why 'F5M-Millionaires-Club' is making this offer available to all! Read more...